Sabine Geithner
Maxim Cramer and Natasha Murashev at UIKonf 2015
We are happy to announce two more speakers for UIKonf 2015. Meet Maxim Cramer and Natasha (the Robot) Murashev.
Maxim Cramer
Maxim currently works at SwiftKey where she had the privilege to be part of developing and launching SwiftKey Keyboard for iOS. Starting off with digital design at a young age, she grew curious about programming and so pursued it professionally, yet never straying far from UI/UX. Passionate about humans, she advocates testing products with people first and foremost, always enjoying the looks of surprise, confusion, and delight.
Natasha (the Robot) Murashev
Natasha is a Swift enthusiast who writes about her experiences with this still developing language on She is currently working as an iOS engineer for Capital One in San Francisco and is also introducing beginners to mobile app development at General Assembly.
You can speak at or select speakers for UIKonf, too. Submit your proposal through our Vestibule or comment on proposals of others. We are looking forward to your ideas.
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